Greg Cahill

gregclr.jpg (41839 バイト) GregCahillはThe Special Consensusのバンジョー・プレイヤーであり、バリトンおよびテナーボーカリストである。シカゴで1970年代初頭からブルーグラス・バンジョーを演奏しており、1975年にThe Special Consensusを結成する。 グレッグは多くのバンジョー曲を作っていて、3枚のアルバムをリリースしている。Lone Star (1980)ではJethro Burns と Byron Berline、Blue Skies (1992)ではDon Stiernbergと、 Night Skies (1998) ではDon Stiernberg、Sam Bush, Glen Duncan とTom Boydをゲストに迎え、彼のユニークな演奏を聴かせてくれている。また 彼はThe Special Consensusの全ての録音で演奏している。またブルーグラスの啓蒙活動に熱心で多くのワークショップでの教授を務めており、近年ではDiscover Bluegrassという教育機関向けのDVDの制作も行った。

Pinecastle Records
Route 10

Pinecastle Records
Special Consensus 25th Anniversary

Pinecastle Records
Our Little Town

Pinecastle Records
Strong Enough To Bend

Shy Town Records
Night Skies
with Don Stiernberg, John Parrott, Jim Cox and guests Sam Bush, Glen Duncan and Tom Boyd

Turquoise Records
Blue Skies
with Don Stiernberg, John Parrott and Jim Cox

Rabbit Records
Lone Star
with guests Jethro Burns and Byron Berline

以下の曲はStrong Enough To Bendに収録されています。
Strong Enough to Bend
Candy mountain.ptb 
Candy Mountain intro
Candy mountain 1st.ptb Candy Mountain 1st
Candy mountain ending.ptb Candy Mountain ending
I gonna walk that line.ptb I gonna Walk That Line
I wonder.ptb I Wonder
Outbound plane intro.ptb Outbound Plane intro
Outbound plane 1st.ptb Outbound Plane 1st
Money creek 1st.ptb Money Creek 1st
Money creek 2nd.ptb Money Creek 2nd
Money creek 3rd.ptb Money Creek 3rd
Ten mile Tennessee.ptb Ten Mile Tennessee
The devil ain't luzy.ptb The Devil Ain't Luzy
Strong enough to bend.ptb Strong Enough To Bend
Call me a taxi.ptb Call Me A Taxi
How was I supposed to know?.ptb How Was I Supposed To Know?
Third coast breakdown.ptb Third Coast Breakdown
A penny for your thoughts.ptb A Penny For Your Thoughts
Lsten to the rain 1st.ptb Listen To The Rain 1st
Listen to the rain 2nd.ptb Listen To The Rain 2nd

Another day with the blues.ptb Another Day With The Blues
Blue in the blue ridge.ptb Blue In The Blue Ridge
Our little town.ptb Our Little Town
The traveler.ptb The Traveler
Green gates.ptb Green Gates
Slow train through Georgia.ptb Slow Train Through Georgia
Silver dew on the bluegrass tonight.ptb Silver Dew On The Bluegrass Tonight
Journey to my savior's side 1st.ptb Journey To My Savior's Side 1st
Journey to my savior's side 2nd.ptb Journey To My Savior's Side 2nd
Journey to my savoir's side 3rd.ptb Journey To My Savior's Side 3rd
Billy boy.ptb Billy Boy
Nothin' but the wheel.ptb Nothin' But The Wheel
Strawberry point.ptb Strawberry Point

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